How to Do a Life Audit: Ultimate Guide 2024

Life Audit

In my culture, there’s a term known as “koj lub hom phiaj” (kaw-lu-ho-pee-ah) which translates to “your purpose.” Whenever my grandparents and parents asked me this as a young adult, I always responded with my goals in life and would later write down my “goals” which I now know was just a bucket list of what I wanted to do for the upcoming new year. It was nothing intentional or thought-provoking. It simply was:

  • I want to have money

  • I want to experience dating

  • I want to get good grades

However, now as a woman in her mid-20s, I have come to understand what my “hom phiaj” is and how my goals lacked intention and alignment with my purpose. In fact, I never truly considered what my purpose in life was until my early 20s and began to take action in my early-mid 20s!

So, how does this relate to doing a life audit? Well, let’s just say that you can’t improve if you don’t know and understand where you are in life-which was me.

In this article, we'll explore what a life audit is, why it's essential, how it relates to all of us, and most importantly, I'll provide you with some valuable tips on how to create one so that you can reach your highest self in 2024! So grab your cozies, your journal, and a pen/pencil and let's get started on this empowering journey to self-discovery and growth!

Ready to reach your HIGHEST Self? Check out my 2024 Digital/Printable EVERYTHING Planner and my 2024 Digital/Printable Self-Care Workbook curated to help you become your BEST authentic self so you can become the boss lady of your life and live the life YOU deserve-The Happy Life!

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What is a Life Audit and Why is it Important?

A life audit is helpful when you’re going through transformations in life such as a career change, new relationships, environment changes, etc. It’s like your personal GPS on the journey of self-discovery and improvement. It's a structured and intentional self-assessment that allows you to take a step back and evaluate various aspects of your life. Think of it as a comprehensive review of your current circumstances, goals, and values. It helps to bring clarity to yourself, about yourself, and for yourself. Another way to see it is like a spring cleaning for your body, mind, and soul.

Now, you might be wondering why this matters, and how it relates to you. Well, here's the deal – life can be HECTIC, and it's easy to get caught up in the daily grind without realizing whether you're moving in the right direction. A life audit helps you regain control and clarity. It's your opportunity to reflect on where you are, where you want to go, and whether your actions align with your goals and values. It’s a self-reflection process that helps to get rid of distractions, align your goals, and get your life together.

This is especially vital in our personal development journeys because it's all about reaching our highest selves. It helps you identify what matters most in your life so that you’re focused on creating a life you love. In order to do that, you need to be in tune with your aspirations, and a life audit is a powerful tool to get there.

How Does a Life Audit Relate to You?

A life audit is your way of staying authentic and aligned with your values. It's a living example of self-reflection, self-awareness, and personal branding. When you undertake a life audit and document your journey, it forces you to be more intentional with yourself, your time, money, and energy. Not only will this bring out the best version in you but it can inspire and guide the individuals around you through the process as well. Your vulnerability and growth can be a source of inspiration for others embarking on their personal development journey.

Ready to reach your HIGHEST Self? Check out my 2024 Digital/Printable EVERYTHING Planner and my 2024 Digital/Printable Self-Care Workbook curated to help you become your BEST authentic self so you can become the boss lady of your life and live the life YOU deserve-The Happy Life!

What are the Benefits of Life Auditing?

The benefits of doing a life audit include:

  • Being able to see where you are in life in the process of accomplishing your goals

  • Gives you me time

  • Brings motivation

  • Can be done anytime you feel off-track

How to Start a Life Audit?

life audit

To start, you need to make sure you have the following:

  • Have a time when you can be alone in your thoughts and emotions

  • Have a safe space where you can be vulnerable with yourself

  • Have something to write on ex) journal/notebook/paper

  • Pen/pencil

Ready to reach your HIGHEST Self? Check out my 2024 Digital/Printable EVERYTHING Planner and my 2024 Digital/Printable Self-Care Workbook curated to help you become your BEST authentic self so you can become the boss lady of your life and live the life YOU deserve-The Happy Life!

Now that we understand the significance of a life audit, let's dive into the practical aspect of how to conduct one. Here are some essential tips to get you started:

1. Reflect on Your Happiness: Begin by reflecting on your happiness in all areas of your life including but not limited to your career, relationships, environment, finances, hobbies, physical health, emotional health, and mental health. To perform this, I like to use the Wheel of Life chart which is a diagram that allows you to rate yourself in each category to help you see how balanced your life is.

Once you’re done, ask yourself the following:

  • What’s going well in this area?

  • Why do you enjoy it?

  • Why is it going well? If not, then why?

  • What could be improved in this area and why?

  • What could be different?

  • What could you do differently?

2. Set Clear Goals: Begin by defining your objectives. Ask yourself where do you see yourself 12 months from now and what does life look like. What do you want to achieve with this life audit? Whether it's improved work-life balance, career growth, or finding a deeper sense of purpose, setting clear goals will give your audit direction.

Once you’ve done this, create SMART goals which stand for the following:


  • To make a goal effective, it needs to be specific. For example, ask yourself:

    • What needs to be accomplished?

    • Who’s responsible?

    • What steps need to be taken to achieve this goal?


  • It’s important to quantify your goals so that you can track your progress and know when you’ve reached the finish line.

A= Attainable

  • This is the reality part of goal-making. It’s the reality check you need to have when creating goals so that you don’t create goals that are outside your limit.

R= Relevant

  • Understand why you’re setting these goals. Ask yourself: Why am I setting up this goal?

T= Time-bound

  • Hold yourself accountable to reach this goal by setting an end date.

Defining these criteria as they relate to your goal helps ensure that your goals are attainable within a certain time frame. Using this approach helps to eliminate generalities and guesswork, sets a clear timeline, and makes it easier to track progress and identify missed milestones.

Ready to reach your HIGHEST Self? Check out my 2024 Digital/Printable EVERYTHING Planner and my 2024 Digital/Printable Self-Care Workbook curated to help you become your BEST authentic self so you can become the boss lady of your life and live the life YOU deserve-The Happy Life!

3. Create a Vision Board: Create a vision board so that you have a daily reminder of your goals and wants to give you extra motivation. Whether this is a physical vision board or a digital one it’s helpful to have one where you can see it every day. For example, as a blogger, I typically spend my days on my laptop, and because of that my vision board can be seen on my wallpaper. The moment my laptop loads, I see my wallpaper. The moment I minimize screens or log out I see my wallpaper. All of this is a tactic to remind myself of the goals I want to achieve for the year.

4. Identify Your Values: What truly matters to you? Your values are the compass that guides your decisions. Make sure your life aligns with these core beliefs. If there are mismatches, it's time to make changes.

5. Create an Action Plan: Based on your assessment, develop a plan of action. Set achievable milestones and outline the steps needed to reach them. Remember, personal growth is a continuous journey and actions speak louder than words, and in this case pictures! Don’t just talk the talk, walk the talk!

6. Review and Adjust: Regularly revisit your life audit. Life is dynamic, and your goals may evolve. Don't be afraid to adjust your plan as needed. Adaptation is a sign of growth.

Ready to reach your HIGHEST Self? Check out my 2024 Digital/Printable EVERYTHING Planner and my 2024 Digital/Printable Self-Care Workbook curated to help you become your BEST authentic self so you can become the boss lady of your life and live the life YOU deserve-The Happy Life!

A life audit isn't a one-time task; it's an ongoing journey of self-discovery and improvement. Embrace it as a tool for self-reflection, self-awareness, and personal growth. By taking the time to assess where you are and where you want to be, you can make mindful decisions that align with your truest self.

So, my lovely readers, remember, a life audit isn't about having everything figured out; it's about creating a life that feels right for you. Take the time, dive into self-reflection, and use this process to shape the life that resonates with your soul. Find your hom phiaj in life and learn more about yourself so that you can take the action needed to improve your life!

Until next time, keep shining bright on your path of personal development!

As always, sending so much happiness, love, and luck your way!

Ready to reach your HIGHEST Self? Check out my 2024 Digital/Printable EVERYTHING Planner and my 2024 Digital/Printable Self-Care Workbook curated to help you become your BEST authentic self so you can become the boss lady of your life and live the life YOU deserve-The Happy Life!

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