8 Ways to Love Yourself on Valentine’s Day

how to love yourself on valentine's day

As Valentine’s Day approaches, we begin to see more romance around us. Every aisle in Walmart turns pink and red with human-sized teddy bears, decadent chocolates, roses, cards, and mugs that say “I love you” or “I adore you.” Every website turns pink and red with hearts and couples begin to post their love story. Around this time, love is definitely in the air and you’re just bound to be surrounded by it and immersed in all of its beauty. Love is here, but is oftentimes misunderstood and commercialized incorrectly. Too often during this holiday, we think that Valentine’s Day is a “couples” holiday. You buy these human-sized teddy bears for your partner, you buy flowers for your partner, and you go out to eat a fancy dinner with your partner. Everything is surrounded and geared towards couples. However, what about those who don’t have a partner? Those single and warm souls who continue to walk down the pink and red aisles. 

In this blog, I’ll go over 8 ways to love yourself on Valentine’s Day. No partner needed. Just you, a cozy blanket, and your favorite cozy drink.

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Write a Love Letter To Yourself

In this modern day, age, and time the only letters we get are bills, advertisements, and occasional holiday greeting cards. With the rise of technology, individuals steer towards texting and posting affirmations rather than taking the time to write. If you think about it, when was the last time you received a handwritten love letter? When was the last time you wrote yourself a love letter?

Too often we think that writing letters, especially a love letter, happens between one correspondent to another. However, I'm here to tell you that you can write a love letter to yourself. It's important to show yourself love and adoration. In fact, there are proven benefits of reflective writing such as lowering anxiety, increasing creativity and confidence, being present in the moment, understanding yourself, and increasing your self-awareness. Write to yourself like you’re writing to a lover and then you’ll begin to flourish. 

Romanticize Your Day, Live Your Dream Life

When was the last time you lived your dream life? Where you spent the day doing everything and absolutely everything you wanted to do and accomplish? Today, many Youtubers and personal development coaches encourage you to begin living your dream life everyday in order to see growth and become the person you aspire to be. While I highly encourage this, I understand that it can be difficult to live your dream life on a daily basis because life just happens. 

However, I believe it is possible to experience your dream life. If you’re having trouble living your dream life everyday, why not live your dream life, your best life, on the day of love? Treat this day as a self-care and self-love day. If you can, call out of work, spoil yourself, and take the time to rest. If not, take the time to enjoy your evening doing something untypical of your day such as taking yourself out to eat, pampering yourself with a home spa day, buying yourself flowers, or going to bed early. Enjoy this day as your day because you matter.

Splurge on Yourself

Want that human sized teddy bear? Want that skincare product you’ve been dying to try? How about that homemade jewelry on Etsy or that book you’ve been WAITING to read? Whatever it is, I’m here to say, YES! Get it! You deserve it! Don’t think that you have to wait for someone to get it for you. Even if it’s something couples give to each other, don’t wait on it because you don’t know how long you’ll be waiting or even if your spouse will get it for you. Don’t beg for it. Instead, be the lady you are and get it for yourself.

love yourself on valentine's day

Play Dress Up

Linda Grant says it best, “The clothes you wear are a metamorphosis. They change you from the outside in.” In other words, the clothes you wear matters because it can change your personality and appearance. Sometimes, we feel that we don’t need to dress up because we’re not going out or because we don’t have anyone to impress. Although I agree with these statements, I do believe that we do, in fact, have someone to impress and that is ourselves. I’m a firm believer that fashion is a way to express who we are and our personality and this can lead us to our dream version of ourselves. So go ahead and wear that cute outfit, fix your hair, and doll yourself up. Do it for you and feel confident and loved every step of the way.

Visit Your Local Cafe/Bookstore 

There’s something just so relaxing and magical when visiting a cafe/bookstore. The atmosphere is educated and free, conversational and relaxing, and cozy and rejuvenating. If you’re looking to spend your day in this kind of environment, I highly recommend you to visit your local cafe/bookstore. I love places like these because I can just relax within myself, work on my current projects, and be as conversational or introverted as I want. It’s a place where I can just be and feel so free without the judgment of the world around me.

Go Out, Walk, and Be With Nature

Some of you may be rolling your eyes when reading this because almost everyone says this and I’m here to say it again! Go outside! Walk! Be with Nature! Similar to cafes/bookstores, there’s something super relaxing and magical about being in nature. If you think about it, many jobs today require us to stay indoors, be in a sedentary position, and look at monitors 24/7. However, when was the last time you saw a leaf fall from a branch? When was the last time you saw the trees sway or when your legs brushed against grass, flowers, and dirt? Most importantly, when was the last time you got a full breath of fresh air without any concern or judgment for the day(s) ahead of you. Surrounding yourself in nature allows you to use all of your senses and both relaxes and strengthens your muscles. It also humbles you to remind you how small you are in this big world but how amazing small things can become.

love yourself on valentine's day

Take Yourself Out

Most first dates take place in movie theaters, recreational parks, amusement parks, or restaurants. If you’re waiting to experience a moment like this with your special someone you already know what I’m going to say (if you’ve read the whole blog thus far). But as a reminder, I’m here to say just go. Don’t wait for someone to treat you out to experience these moments. Treat yourself out. Take yourself to the theaters and splurge on that buttery popcorn and soda, go to that fancy restaurant for dinner, or take a walk in the park. Life is too short to wait on these moments as you wait for your special someone. Treat yourself! Who knows? Maybe you’ll run into a certain someone along the way.

Buy Yourself Flowers

From elementary school to high school, the schools I attended always had a Valentine’s gift exchange event from Valentine’s cards, candy, and carnation flowers. I remember thinking in elementary school how amazing it would be if I received so many flowers, especially if it was anonymous or came from my crushes (I know, super cringe). I remember waiting each year and after all those years, I believe I bought more flowers than I received and if I did receive it was from one of my girlfriends. I remember feeling left out, unpopular, and insignificant especially whenever kids continued to brag about how many they received. So one year, in elementary school, I decided to buy a carnation for myself. 

When I received that flower, I thought I would feel proud of myself. However, knowing that it came from nobody else except me felt kind of funny when I received it, and felt like I wanted to show off. But as the day passed, I kept holding the flower and looking at it and it just made me happy. At the time, I wasn’t happy because I bought it for myself but more so because it made me happy and it felt good to have a flower. Flowers are powerful and can bring out subtle happiness and can boost your mood for the day. So instead of waiting for someone to get it for you, get it for yourself and embrace the happy chemicals that grow throughout the day.

love yourself on valentine's day

Hang Out With Your Friends

Growing up, I never understood what Galentine’s day was. I thought it was just another slang used for Valentine’s Day for girls who didn’t have a partner to celebrate with. Honestly, I thought it was bogus. It wasn’t until I spent my Valentine’s Day with my girlfriends in college (even though I was dating my now husband) where I truly understood the magic behind Galentine’s day. We didn’t even do much either but it is now a memory ingrained in me. You see, women who vibe together just have this supportive energy full of love, respect, and are super uplifting. It’s so powerful and rejuvenating. Something I believe every woman deserves to experience and have. Friends are your greatest cheerleaders and organic boosters in life that can make you feel loved and heard. 

love yourself on valentine's day

As Valentine’s Day nears, it’s important to remember that even though this day is traditionally and commercially recognized as a day to show love to others it’s equally as important to show love to yourself. You don’t have to feel alone this Valentine’s Day or wait again another year to see if a special someone will treat you out. Instead, don’t wait and treat yourself. Life is too short to wait to experience these moments with someone. Also, remember you should show love to yourself and to others EVERYDAY. Not just Valentine’s day. Love, respect, and help yourself and others with the same amount of love you would on Valentine’s Day.

As always, I’m sending all the love and positive vibes your way. 

love yourself on valentine's day

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