How Cleaning Your House Affects Your Mind and Wellbeing


“A clean home is a happy home.” That’s what everyone says. But what if I told you that a clean home is a happier you? It’s true! Research has shown that a clean environment has various benefits including increased productivity, mental clarity, and a sense of belonging. In this blog, I’ll go over 4 facts on how cleaning your house affects your mind and overall well-being. 

We’ll discuss:

  1. Mess=Stress

  2. Clean Home= Clean Brain

    1. Released Endorphins 

    2. Improved Focus

    3. Regulated Emotions

  3. Familiarity and Consistency

  4. Sense of Order and Control 

So if you’re still wondering how a clean home can create a happy home and a happy YOU look no further! This blog post is about to change your understanding of what cleaning means. 

Ready to reach your BEST year yet? Check out my 2024 Digital/Printable EVERYTHING Planner and my 2024 Digital/Printable Self-Care Workbook curated to help you become your HIGHEST and most AUTHENTIC self so you can become the boss lady of your life and live the life YOU deserve-The Happy Life!


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Fact 1: Mess=Stress

Did you know that clutter can make us depressed, anxious, and stressed? It affects our health mentally and physically. Here’s a list of ways a cluttered home can cause a cluttered life. 

  • Increases our stress levels (stress hormones)

  • Lowers our fight and-flight response

  • Increases our risk of negative health and disease

    • Type 2 Diabetes 

    • Heart Disease

    • Obesity

      • Studies show that a cluttered environment causes participants to eat more snacks. In fact, those who have an extremely cluttered environment are 77% more likely to be overweight!

  • Affects our relationships

  • Increases sleeping difficulty 

Fact 2: Clean Home= Clean Brain

Releases Endorphins

  1. Physical activity is the act of physically moving your body so this definitely means that cleaning your house is equal to working out! Similar to these activities, the act of cleaning releases endorphins which are the happy hormones in our body. When it interacts with our brain it helps to improve our pain, stress, and overall well-being while also reducing anxiety and depression. 

  1. Improved Focus

    1. Did you know that humans can’t multitask? I always thought I could but according to an article from Harvard Business Review, humans don’t multitask. Instead, we switch tasks and complete things one at a time. But if you’re anything like me, this can be difficult, especially with a cluttered home because you don’t know where to start! With a cluttered-free environment, it allows our brain to focus on one task at a time without disrupting the brain from thinking of external factors.

  2. Regulated Emotions

    1. Cleaning also allows us to slow down which has a calming effect on our bodies during situations where we feel overwhelmed. By doing so, it allows us to understand and control our emotions.

Ready to reach your BEST year yet? Check out my 2024 Digital/Printable EVERYTHING Planner and my 2024 Digital/Printable Self-Care Workbook curated to help you become your HIGHEST and most AUTHENTIC self so you can become the boss lady of your life and live the life YOU deserve-The Happy Life!

Fact 3: Familiarity and Consistency

You know those days when you’re having a normal day and then BAM! You’re met with something so surprising it takes you a few minutes to recollect yourself and your thoughts? That’s because humans like consistency and a routine because it gives us stability. Likewise, having a routine to clean your home and knowing where items are in the house gives us a piece of mind and stability in our lives that we can control. 

Fact 4: Sense of Order and Control

Not only does consistency and familiarity allow us to bring stability into our lives but it also allows us to have control and a sense of order in our lives and belongings. A study in 2017 reported that clutter was linked to procrastination, feeling overwhelmed, and a decreased quality of life. By having control, order, and structure in our lives it helps us feel capable and manageable. 


After cleaning my home, my mood ALWAYS changes for the better. I mean, what’s a better feeling than that clean home feeling? I know that the act of cleaning your home can feel laborious and overwhelming but I believe that the endgame is not just to have a clean home but a clean life. A life that you deserve and is fulfilling and full of happiness.

So if anyone calls you out because you enjoy cleaning ignore them! It’s your home and your life, not theirs. A clean home makes a happy home and a happier you. Most importantly, a home you’ll want to return to. I hope this post has inspired you to start cleaning your home today and if not at least has helped you find a way to increase your mood.

Best of luck and happy cleaning!

Ready to reach your BEST year yet? Check out my 2024 Digital/Printable EVERYTHING Planner and my 2024 Digital/Printable Self-Care Workbook curated to help you become your HIGHEST and most AUTHENTIC self so you can become the boss lady of your life and live the life YOU deserve-The Happy Life!


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